Tuesday, August 7, 2007

i was referring to an ANAL douche, btw

i made a tiny comment on whenfangirlsattack about my disrespect for the blogging pattern of this one "mad thinker scott" guy and one of the moderators very diplomatically and fairly replied that they don't discriminate based on my opinions of douchery.

well, the disrespected blogger himself wrote a blog entry about MY little comment! boy, am i blushing!

you can read it here or catch the link from whenfangirlsattack: would you like spikes with your douche, ma'am?.

and this is for you, scott: Hi, Mr. Scott! I like your little piece on Prism Comics about the superhero costumes designed by fans in the 70's! It's super-gay-licious!

ooh! my pinkies hurt from all that shift-key pressing. i won't do THAT again soon.

anyway, scott, i'm sure we'll "talk" again soon. it always makes me very sad when when i meet gay men who hate women.

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